Sunday, March 4, 2012

Haul: Salley Hansen Gem Crush Nail Polishes

 Pictured from left to right: Be-Jeweled, Showgirl Chic, Big Money and Razzle Dazzler

Yesterday happened to be the first day I have started to feel better in ages even though it was also the day it was confirmed I had been exposed to Whooping Cough.

You see the test for WC doesn't say yes/no you have WC, all it says is if you have been exposed (or maybe my Dr didn't ask for the right blood test?). Given that the WC immunisation lasts until your mid 20s and this is the first time I've had a nasty cough like this in ages, all signs point to me having battled through WC in the last month or so. So rather than feeling like my body let me down - which is what I had been feeling - I now feel like it's done an awesome job as I am starting to feel better already.

God I can be so long winded sometimes! Anyways... this was the first time I had been well enough to run errands and the first thing I did was go and pick up parcels from my local Post Office (staff there are THE best) and drop past Priceline. The result was a little haulage in the polish department. In a small burst of energy I have included bottle and tip swatches for your consideration below. Enjoy....

After being made aware of these polishes by Jen of The Nail Polish Project on twitter I had to get my hands all over them. I decided to pick up 4 of the 6 colours in the display, clearly I was showing great restraint lol.

Be- Jeweled is a gorgeous purple glitter base with pink glitter on top.

Showgirl Chic is a silver glitter base with blue larger glitter. I really like this one.

Big Money is a gold glitter base with larger purple pieces. Another favourite.


Finally I also picked up Razzle Dazzler  which is a soft pink glitter base with silver glitter.

FYI - Sally Hansen is currently 20% off at Priceline for Australian readers, otherwise these retail for $9.95 AUD.

Oh glitter, I love how you look and I HATE taking you off again. 

Happy Sunday

Jac x

All swtaches shown are with 2 coats of the polish and no top coat. Sorry I missed this in my original post.


  1. Oh these are pretty! How many coats were needed?
    Glad your feeling better :)

  2. Hey there - yes finally feeling like I'm on the mend! I'm sorry I forgot to put in the post that was 2 coats only. I'll go and edit now. x

  3. Aren't these babies just gorgeous!! I've got my eye on Be-Jeweled :) Man, Whooping Cough is a pretty scary prospect, glad you're on the way up!

  4. I bought one of these yesterday:) SO glittery! Glad to hear you are feeling a little better xxx

  5. So pretty! I've seen these around, but I wasn't sure if I wanted them or not! Now they're definitely on my list!

  6. Hope you continue to feel much better. I saw these polishes at Priceline, I was debating whether or not to buy Big Money. It's definitely my favourite shade, but the purple is also pretty.

  7. Hi love, I've tagged you for the Colors of the Rainbow tag!
